This page and its subpages are public.
To achieve great, monumental things we have to work together effectively.
Each one of us has only 24 hours in a day - a tiny amount of time during which we alone can't accomplish anything meaningful.
All meaningful things are done in teams where instead of 24 hours in a day we collectively have thousands of hours.
At Moralis you are expected to collaborate and help others.
Even if it’s not immediately related to the goals that you are trying to achieve.
Similarly - you can rely on others for help and advice.
In fact - you are EXPECTED to do so.
At Moralis we care for each other.
Kindness should always be central to how we communicate.
This is especially important in an all-remote setting.
Always ensure you communicate in a kind way.
It could be smart to avoid sarcasm or risky jokes that may not be understood via chat communication.
Give as much positive feedback as you can and do it IN A PUBLIC WAY